
Frontend Basic Course

00 day days
00 hour hours
00 minute minutes
00 second seconds
Up to start Started Coming Soon Completed

The course is designed especially for those who want to learn one of the most exciting IT trends today – Frontend. Front-end development is the most popular IT area with a low beginner entry threshold.


  • Shortly, JS and frameworks based on it (React, Angular, Vue) are likely to remain the main basis for web application development
  • Progressive web applications (PWA). This technology is actively promoted by Google. Progressive web applications are a hybrid of a website and a mobile application that have a high chance of gaining a significant share of the native application market in the medium term
  • One of the most popular cross-platform technologies for creating mobile applications is the React Native framework which uses the JS language

Why should you take the course?

  • A chance to obtain the visual result of your work really fast. There is a lot of room for creativity: visualization of your ideas, optimization of solutions, ease of use, etc.
  • Easy start. For Frontend-development you don’t need any specialized software,
    compilers, or complicated settings, whatsoever. You only need your wish and the simplest text editor
  • There are a lot of directions for expanding your knowledge and professional development
  • IT is a rapidly developing industry. There is a joke that a new framework appears in Frontend every month. This is both a downside and a great advantage

Who is the course for?

  • Beginners who want to take their first steps in the development field
  • Those interested in modern IT technologies and aspiring to work in the creative field
  • Professionals who want to add new skills to their arsenal or switch to the Frontend from another field


Module 1 HTML, CSS
  • HTML basics
  • Basics of CSS. Selector and color
  • Box model. Flexbox
  • Design elements and styles. Vector graphics
  • Positioning of elements. Transitions and animation
  • Form layout. Form styling
  • BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology. SASS Preprocessor
  • Responsive layout. Responsive images
Module 2 JavaScript
  • Values, Types, and Operators. Conditional Statements. Loops
  • Arrays. Functions
  • Objects
  • Callback functions. Arrow functions. Array methods
  • Context. Prototypes. Classes
  • DOM. Events
  • Event delegation. Throttle and debounce events
  • NPM. Webpack. JSON. Web-storage
  • Asynchrony. Timers. Date. Promise API
  • HTTP queries and Fetch API
  • CRUD operations. Async/await syntax
In case of any questions, please contact the manager Світлани

Requirements for participants

No prior knowledge is required. All you need to get started is a desire to learn, a basic text editor, and a bit of free time.

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