
Web Services on Python Course

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Have you succeeded in software development and want to understand the process of building production-level web services? This course is developed in Python. It will help form the necessary theoretical basis and get practical recommendations for developing, testing, and deploying REST API. The program is your foundation for writing applications using microservice architecture. 


The course is aimed at developers with more than 3 years of experience who are currently seeking new competencies. 


The course is designed for 8 hours of live coding. You will discuss the following topics: 

  • REST API: what it is and how it works
  • Deployment and configuring of the development environment
  • Creating microservices based on Flask-RESTful
  • Interaction with DBMS using ORM SQLAlchemy
  • Marshmallow-based JSON serialization
  • Testing of microservices using the pytest framework: modular and integration tests
  • JWT-based authentication
  • Deployment of the application in containers


You will be able to develop production-level REST APIs on Python 


Classes will be held in English. 

Additional requirements 

To effectively perform all stages of the development process, it is desirable to use a POSIX-compatible operating system (e.g., Linux, MacOS)

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